Volunteer With Us

The position of firefighter is one of tremendous responsibility and individual dedication. Being a firefighter demands a great deal from each and every individual, therefore RVVFD requires their members to be at least 18 years of age and live or work within a mile and a half of our district.Our department is held in the highest esteem. This is a progressive organization that maintains a high level of professionalism and expertise. Being a member of this firefighting team carries with it not only pride, but also commitment and dedication. This department is very proud of the men and women who are members of our organization. The individuals you will meet are highly motivated and committed to the betterment of their community. We constantly strive to enhance, upgrade and improve the level of fire protection and emergency services provided to our community. In doing this, our department constantly seeks to improve upon the capabilities of the organization and our personnel.

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the fire department at 605-393-0848 or stop by the station. (Best times are before trainings or meetings)